Group 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jon Davies 1 1 100.00
1 Adam Pierpoint 1 1 100.00
1 Philip Caudle 1 1 100.00
1 Oliver Pierpoint 1 1 100.00
1 Tim Ledden 1 1 100.00
6 Chris Morris 1 2 50.00
6 Simon Pierpoint 1 2 50.00
6 Elaine Radcliffe 1 2 50.00
6 Cameron Parry 1 2 50.00
10 Steve McClelland 0 2 0.00
11 Glyn Davies 0 1 0.00
11 Max Ball 0 1 0.00
11 Mal Brown 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Chris Morris 1050
2 Cameron Parry 957
3 Adam Pierpoint 771
4 Jon Davies 747
5 Steve McClelland 705
6 Philip Caudle 691
7 Max Ball 631
8 Simon Pierpoint 625
9 Oliver Pierpoint 623
10 Tim Ledden 509
11 Mal Brown 491
12 Elaine Radcliffe 490
13 Glyn Davies 465
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Chris Morris 0.00 1 1
2 Steve McClelland 0.00 0 2
3 Elaine Radcliffe 0.00 1 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Philip Caudle 1 1 100.00
1 Oliver Pierpoint 1 1 100.00
3 Cameron Parry 1 0.00
3 Simon Pierpoint 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jon Davies 618 747 129
2 Cameron Parry 880 957 77
3 Philip Caudle 678 691 13
4 Elaine Radcliffe 481 490 9
5 Oliver Pierpoint 619 623 4
5 Tim Ledden 505 509 4
7 Adam Pierpoint 771 771 0
7 Max Ball 631 631 0
9 Mal Brown 495 491 -4
10 Simon Pierpoint 630 625 -5
11 Chris Morris 1060 1050 -10
12 Steve McClelland 725 705 -20
13 Glyn Davies 600 465 -135
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Steve McClelland 2 2 100.00
2 Glyn Davies 1 1 100.00
2 Max Ball 1 1 100.00
2 Mal Brown 1 1 100.00
5 Chris Morris 1 2 50.00
5 Simon Pierpoint 1 2 50.00
5 Elaine Radcliffe 1 2 50.00
5 Cameron Parry 1 2 50.00
9 Jon Davies 0 1 0.00
9 Adam Pierpoint 0 1 0.00
9 Philip Caudle 0 1 0.00
9 Oliver Pierpoint 0 1 0.00
9 Tim Ledden 0 1 0.00